Holding your hands above a body, making some magic movements and suddenly it starts to move. The greatest wish of all ex-witches and wizards, who were playing with candles, gemstones and messages from the death in their youth, feeling a true connection with Gandalf the Grey and wished Hogwards of Harry Potter was real. Those were the days...
But without joking, this shit is real. people moving shaking and dancing on a mat, talking about voids, doors opening, seeing visions, insights and complete downloads, like the Peruvian Ayahuasca ceremonies. Can this be real? And who are these facilitators? Are they so special and gifted?
A touch of god
Just like yoga teachers years ago, KAP and other Kundalini Activation facilitators are popping out the ground like mushrooms. Although it feels a little like a mushroom trip, KAP and Kundalini Activation don't use any (plant based) medicine or drugs to send you on this journey. As a facilitator i don't put anything in you. It is all you. And a touch of god.
God? What has god to do with it?
Before you get now completely confused: That doesn't mean that the facilitator is god. The facilitator provides a save space, a warm welcome with a small introduction of what you can expect, what you might feel and what is expected from you: Surrender. The facilitator is open en vulnerable so people feel safe to be themselves and being able to surrender to whatever wants to arise. The beauty, the ugliness, the fear, the anger, the remembrance, colors, visions, singing, dancing, movement and astral journeys. In the end of the session there is time to reflect, to share and to listen. The rest is up to you. And the touch of god. What is in-explainable, untouchable. You can only feel it.
Last piece of the puzzle
To speak for myself: I have followed my KAP-facilitator for over a year. The years before i worked my way through fear, anger, frustration and ego with diverse yoga achers, martial arts trainers, trainings, retreats and meditation where i work trough my trauma's and experiences of the past. KAP was the last piece of the puzzle that gave me the confidence to unconditionally follow my heart. It became a profound base of trust within me. It was also a surprise that my facilitator asked me to go for the selection of the training. Even though i felt during my first KAP session that i wanted to become a facilitator too.
It is not for the light hearted Why so many people want to become a facilitator? Well, because KAP is addictive, just like yoga. You want more from that. Sounds great! Next to your job or even quitting your job and focusing fully on something you like. And why not doing it professionally because then you even make money with it AND spread this wonderful work? True. But KAP is not for the light hearted. This is not a practice you can do next to your job. This is a 100% full committed lifestyle, where this energy will take over your life, your decisions, your way of looking at things. It is always present and it reminds you ever day that you are chosen to spread this work. That you are part of a movement, but also have to live up to the expectations of that movement. Your authenticity comes to the surface and shines bright. Things that work against that authenticity, like alcohol, drugs, food that is bad for you, are less attracting or even turning out to be toxic for you. And when you go through another layer, you roll again with that roller coaster into the depths of consciousness and finding yourself at the end of the tunnel. Normal conversations are not possible anymore, working against the energy neither, you see trough all and all doesn't really matter anymore. Remember the mystery
Remember the mystery. Remember the power of presence. This is the touch of god. That is no facilitator, no teacher, no Ayahuasca or mushroom or drug. Remember the mystery behind things, you don't have to believe anything, just to remember and the rest will follow by itself. Surrender to the mystery and reconnect with your authentic being. Find your facilitator where you feel comfortable with, who gives you the feeling you can be who you are and that there are no limitations. Just space to be. You know what you need to be able to practice the art of surrender.
Remembering the Mystery is a way of being everything you always already are.
Adi Da Samraj