Life Force Awakening
Sessions (optional headphones)
Experience Life Force Awakening (LFA)
Unlock the transformative power of Kundalini, your life force energy, in our Life Force Awakening sessions. Guided by Nicole, these sessions help you connect with your core being, fostering courage, support, and self-healing.
Optional headphones
To enhance your experience and help you fully immerse in the work, we offer the opportunity to use headphones. With these headphones, you’ll enjoy the music, sounds, and singing on a deeper level, free from distractions. While you remain connected to those around you on an energetic level, the headphones help neutralize external noise, providing you with a greater sense of privacy and safety. Nicole will connect with you through a microphone, allowing her voice to resonate more clearly during the sessions.
• Feel more awake and aware
• Make clearer choices
• Handle addictions more easily, sometimes even eliminate them
• Experience a sense of freedom, as if there are no more limits
• See doors magically open through surrender, not effort
• Reconnect with your beautiful inner nature
• Chronic diseases can decrease in intensity, sometimes even disappear
Possible Experiences:
Energetic: Feel energy flow through your body.
Visual: See lights, images, or embark on astral journeys.
Emotional: Release emotions like anger, sadness, or joy.
Kinaesthetic: Experience spontaneous body movements or stretches.
Bliss States: Achieve a profound sense of oneness and complete awareness